Add Item
Add Item
Note: an item is a product assigned to a contract
1. Click Provisioning → Contracts
shows the Contracts table
If no Contract is available Create a Customer.
2. Search and click desired customer from table entries
shows customers page
3. Click the blue "+" within the Assigned Items (modem, VoIP, Internet, etc.) window (on the right side) to add the new item (product)
shows the item page
- Select the desired product from the drop down menu e.g. 200 Mbit/s
- Add further data as desired and available
4. Click the save button
- Item (product) is now assigned to the previously selected customer (previous internet tariff ends automatically)
- Now, the tariff from the item (product) of the customer gets assigned to the contract and...
- ...gets written into the Configfile for the customers modem
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