Import and Export of Config Files

Import and Export of Config Files

How to export existing configfiles from NMS Prime:

Click on "Provisioning" in the left sidebar and the go to "Configfiles".

Here you will see the Treeview of existing configfiles in NMS Prime.

Treeview of exportable configfiles in NMS Prime

Click on the configfile, which you want to export to get to the Edit page.

On the Edit page you can find a button "Export" at the bottom right of the form.

Edit page of a configfile with export-button in nms prime

After clicking on the Export Button, your browser will show you a save dialog.

The filename will be the name of the modem and contain the configuration for the current file and all its child-elements in simple json-format.

How to import configfiles into NMS Prime:

Click again on "Provisioning" in the left sidebar and then on "Configfiles".

On the page with the treeview of all existing configs, click on the blue button called "Create Configfiles"

Button for creating new configfiles is also used for import

On the following page for creating a new configfile, you will see a file-field at the end of the form called "Import".

Select a previously exported configfile.

In this example we leave all the other fields empty.

Create page for configfiles with import field at the bottom

After clicking on Save, the next page you will see will look like this:

Page showing a successful import of configfiles in NMS Prime

NMS Prime will show you the Edit page of the first configuration that has been imported from your imported file.

Since in this example that configuration file already existed, NMS Prime will append a "(2)" at the end of the name.

When looking in the tree of all configfiles, you will see that this happens to all configfiles where their names already existed.

Treeview showing newly imported configfiles at the end

Since we didn't select a parent at the moment of import, the configfiles are now located at the bottom of the tree. If we would have selected cm: base as Parent Configfile then the imported configs would have been located under cm: Base.

Changing the position of the configfile is also possible by going to the edit-page and selecting an existing file as the parent-element.

In this example the "cm: Base" is chosen in this step:

Edit page of a config file

After saving the file will be located where we placed it:

Treeview showing the relocated configfiles

Additional info:

A list of configfiles can also be found in our Forum.

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