Create a Customer

1. Click Provisioning → Contracts

shows table of Contracts

You can search the whole table via the search field in the top right corner or category-wise by using the corresponding search fields in the bottom row.

2. Click the blue "+" at the top right side of the page to add a new contract

This is how the "Create Contract" page looks like.

Fill in the fields accordingly. In case you use the Billing module it is mandatory to add a cost center first.

(info) Hint: You may want to configure the options for academic degree and salutation. Simply edit the textfiles in /var/www/nmsprime/storage/app/config/provbase/formoptions. Not possible if module ProvVoipEnvia is enabled – envia TEL accepts certain values only.

3. Click the save button at the bottom of this page.

You'll get a notification when necessary data is missing.

New customer can now be found as a new contract in the table of contracts under provisioning.

Example: Create a Customer with a Cable Modem