SNMP MIB GUI Coding Manual
Controlling View - Page Structure
It's possible to use each single type standalone or in all combinations - ordering will be done automatically in following structure:
Form Fields Array Structure (for programmers)
built in SnmpController@prep_form_fields
Sequence Plan (SnmpController) - TODO: complete!
- SnmpWalk over Parameter can have multiple Results - most likely for a table OID
Table explanations
- name - custom name of Mibfile - can be empty -> then filename is name
- filename - filename of mib, generated with snmptranslate
- version - version of the Mibfile - not editable - just internal to differentiate unique mibfiles
- description - place for additional informations or personal notes
- snmpmibfile_id: reference to the id of the linked Mibfile
- name: name of OID
- tree: the tree, from where the OID is derived
- oid: oid in number format
- oid_table: not implemented boolean is OID a table?
- syntax: from oid description, what is the syntax/what values are availabe
- type: enum of dataformat of value of oid
- i: integer, u: unsigned, s: string, x: enum , d: double, n: none, o: ?? ,t: table,a: ??,b: bit/byte ??
- type_array: in case multiple types apply - should contain enum letters of type
- access: read/write status of the OID
- description: optional textarea for notes
- html_id: for future implementation - html view id
- html_type: html view type - how should this value bedisplayed -> derived from syntax and type
- html_frame: html view position
- html_properties: further html options to ad, i.e. helper
- phpcode_pre: code that has to be executed befor displaying this data
- php_post: code that has to be executed after displaying the data
- devtype_oid_id: id of element in chaining table
- name: Name of DeiceType
- vendor: Vendor of that device type
- version: model version of that device type
- description: personal notes
Devtype_oid: (could be generated automatically by Laravel) chaining table for m to n relation
one devicetype can have many OIDs
one OID could be connected to many Devicetypes
- devtype_oid_id
- Devicetype