

Files Overview

The following files shall be used for translations in future.

NameIn modulesPurposeNotes
auth.php(error)Translation strings for authentication
help.php(tick)Help messages for formular fieldsCurrently named helper.php ... will be renamed in future
messages.php(tick)Predominantly for log and error/warning messages (e.g. in modals)
validation.php(error)All validation error messages
view.php(tick)Everything else that appears in views: Labels, Headlines, table headers, sidebar menu entries


  1. Use Array syntax
  2. Create module specific language files
  3. Use camelCase for array keys
/* Global / Generic used messages */
$helpmessage1 = trans('help.translate');

/* In file resources/lang/en/help.php */
return [
    'translate' => 'You can help translating NMS PRIME at',

/* Module specific */
$helpmessage2 = trans('billing::help.settlementrun.msg');

/* In file modules/BillingBase/Resources/lang/en/help.php */
return [
    'settlementrun' => [
        'msg' => 'This is a help message',
        'restartFailed' => 'The array key of the message is camel case!',

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