How it works?

Install API directory

First of all you will find a directory called "Install" in:

  1. /var/www/nmsprime/Install for nmsprime-base package
  2. in each module directory, like /var/www/nmsprime/modules/ProvBase/Install – to config the build of each individual package




[config]nameThe RPM package name 
 descriptionThe RPM package description 
 destinationThe install destination directory 
 licenseThe license which will be shown in RPM package 
 dependsThe depending/required RPM packages

NOTE: we must provide all php56u packages from all other dependencies packages, like cacti, icinga, here

Otherwise these packages: it will throw an error, like php-common conflicts with php56u-common

 optionsThis options will be 1-to-1 send to fpm build tool 
 excludeExclude these files/directories from build process 
[files] Copy the files from Install/files directory to destination, see below: 


Example: nmsprime-base

name            = "nmsprime-base"
description     = "NMS Prime Base Package"
destination     = "/var/www/nmsprime"
license         = "GPLv3"
depends         = "mariadb mariadb-server httpd php56u php56u-cli php56u-mysqlnd php56u-mcrypt php56u-mbstring php56u-pdo mod_ssl composer git wget"
options         = ""
exclude         = "'**nmsprime/modules' '**nmsprime/public/modules' '**nmsprime/storage/app' # ..

nmsprime-admin.conf     = /etc/httpd/conf.d/nmsprime-admin.conf
cron-nmsprime           = /etc/cron.d/nmsprime
# ..

Example: nmsprime-provbase

name            = "nmsprime-provbase"
description     = "NMS Prime Provisioning Base Package"
destination     = "/var/www/nmsprime/modules/ProvBase"
license         = "GPLv3"
depends         = "dhcp bind tftp tftp-server xinetd net-snmp net-snmp-devel php56u-snmp php56u-pgsql postgresql flex flex-devel bzip2 gcc bison nmsprime-base"
options         = ""
exclude         = "**/Install *.log"

tftp            = /etc/xinetd.d/tftp-nmsprime
# ..

This bash script will be called before installing the package

This bash script will be called after installing the package


This script is called from our RPM build server during RPM build process. It works like:

// install.php <package version> <build from directory> <rpm target directory>

// Parse Config for FPM from Install/config.cfg
function config ($dir_root)
        // ..

// Make fpm Command Line for Execution
function fpm ($dir, $version, $rpm_dir)
        $config = config($dir);
        return 'fpm -s dir -t rpm -v '.$version.' '.' --architecture all --force --verbose -p '.$rpm_dir.' '.$config;

// Build Main package
$cmd = fpm($dir, $version, $rpm_dir);
system ($cmd);

// Foreach Module
foreach (array_slice(scandir($dir.'/modules'), 2) as $mod)
        $cmd = fpm($dir.'/modules/'.$mod, $version, $rpm_dir);
        system ($cmd);