NMSPrime has been planned to provide multi-tenancy:
- idea: users can be restricted to see only parts of the whole network provisioned by NMSPrime ⇒ all data related to certain netelements
use netelement_id in modem table
this already exists and is set by the modem positioning system (typically to a cluster or a net), try:
SELECT m.id, m.city, m.district, m.netelement_id, n.name, t.name
FROM netelementtype AS t INNER JOIN netelement AS n ON t.id=n.netelementtype_id INNER JOIN modem AS m ON n.id=m.netelement_id;
SELECT n.id, n.name, t.name FROM netelementtype AS t INNER JOIN netelement AS n ON t.id=n.netelementtype_id INNER JOIN modem AS m ON n.id=m.netelement_id GROUP BY n.id;
- still missing:
- ATM there is only on user role type (to control access to models) ⇒ add a second user role type (to allow create/read/write/delete/ based on netelements)
- prevent access to model instances not related to a netelement a user has access rights (either directly or indirectly, e.g. through modem)
implementation was postponed due to more important issues
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