Source Code Installation

Source Code Installation

This is a perfect idea from Ole Ernst to provide the same API to installation from source code. It's a simple helper to use our Install API and works like:


     * Execute the console command.
     * @author Ole Ernst
    public function handle()
        // firstly, handle install directive in laravel base folder
        // secondly, handle all enabled modules
        foreach (Module::enabled() as $module)
     * Execute {before,after}_install.sh script and install dependencies.
     * This function requires user interaction for improved safety.
     * @author Ole Ernst
     * @param module to install
    protected function _handle_module($module)
        if (is_string($module))
            $path = $module;
            $path = $module->getPath().'/Install';

        if (file_exists("$path/before_install.sh"))
            if(readline("$module: $path/before_install.sh? [Y/n] ") != 'n')
                system("/usr/bin/bash $path/before_install.sh");
        $cfg = '';
        if (file_exists("$path/config.cfg"))
            $cfg = parse_ini_file("$path/config.cfg", TRUE)['config']['depends'];
        if ($cfg && readline("$module: yum install $cfg? [Y/n] ") != 'n')
            system("/usr/bin/yum install -y $cfg");
        if (file_exists("$path/after_install.sh"))
            if(readline("$module: $path/after_install.sh? [Y/n] ") != 'n')
                system("/usr/bin/bash $path/after_install.sh");