GenieACS/TR069 - Debugging

GenieACS/TR069 - Debugging


GenieACS API calls

PurposeHTTP methodURLparametersexample
get all devicesGEThttp://localhost:7557/devices
curl -i 'http://localhost:7557/devices' -X GET
get Serialnr of specific deviceGETserial numbercurl -i 'http://localhost:7557/devices?query={"_deviceId._SerialNumber":"abcd"}' -X GET
Get Provision of a modemGET

http://demo.nmsprime.com:7557/provisions?query={"_id":"prov-100124"} → encoded:


show tasks like factory resetGEThttp://localhost:7557/tasks
wget -qO- http://localhost:7557/tasks
Delete all tasks

for id in $(wget -qO- http://localhost:7557/tasks | grep -o '"_id":"[[:xdigit:]]\+"' | cut -d'"' -f4); do curl -i "http://localhost:7557/tasks/$id" -X DELETE; done

Note: The query string must be encoded. One possibility is to encode it via

URL Encoding
php artisan tinker
// Serial number 2C3AFDC4D637
urlencode('{"_deviceId._SerialNumber":"2C3AFDC4D637"}');  // curl 'http://localhost:7557/devices?query=%7B%22_deviceId._SerialNumber%22%3A%222C3AFDC4D637%22%7D' -X GET 

Via Artisan tinker

API calls
// Delete all monitoring presets
$monPresets = array_filter(json_decode(Modem::callGenieAcsApi('presets', 'GET'), true), function ($preset) {
    return isset($preset['events']['2 PERIODIC']);

foreach ($monPresets as $monPreset) {
    Modem::callGenieAcsApi("presets/{$monPreset['_id']}", 'DELETE');

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