Form Fields

Form Fields


Set fields to be displayed in edit and create page.


Controller Function – view_form_fields()


     * defines the formular fields for the edit and create view
    public function get_form_fields($model = null)
        // label has to be the same like column in sql table
        return array(
            array('form_type' => 'text', 'name' => 'name', 'description' => 'Name'),
            array('form_type' => 'text', 'name' => 'ds_rate_max', 'description' => 'DS Rate [MBit/s]'),
            array('form_type' => 'text', 'name' => 'us_rate_max', 'description' => 'US Rate [MBit/s]'),


2xD Array [[field1],[field2], ...]

Field Parameters

Main ParameterOnly Available for "form_type"PurposeValuesSeeTODONotes
HTML Form Typetext, select, checkbox, textarea, password, link, (date, ..)https://laravelcollective.com/docs/5.2/html

SQL Field name

HTML Description of Field

valueselectHTML Select Menuarray (sql_value_1 => description_1, sql_value_2 => description_2)

ItemController -> product_id, OIDController -> snmp_type


The SQL Value to be set, when checkbox is checked,

if not set sql value for checked is assumed as 1

checkedcheckboxfor checkbox, set as checked for adding fieldstrue

urllinkneeds to be sete.g. created by route() function -> route('OID.edit', ['id' => $oid->id])ParameterController

colorlinkcan be set to change the default colordefault, primary, info, success, danger, warning, inverse, white, linkapp/extensions/FormBuilder


auto add prefilled field to related relation views

  • causes a hidden field in create form of the (in array) specified related models
array e.g. \['Modem', 'SepaMandate']modules/ProvBase/Http/Controllers/ContractController.php
From version 2.5

if init_value is set this will be filled into form field

PhonenumberManagement, PhonebookEntry


directly passed through app/extensions/html/FormBuilder and then

to laravelcollective html entities


Mark a segment of fields as finished (to colorize different parts)1, '1'

Hide Field in HTML, indirectly1, '1', 'C', 'E'

0: always show (override other conditions)

1: always hide

'C': only hide when creating/adding

'E' : only hide when editing


Use HTML specified HTML syntax instead of building

HTML in middleware

See ModemController ->x , y

Show Help Message after HTML field for mouse hover

The help icon symbol, like: fa-exclamation-trianglesee: http://fontawesome.io/icons/

Define if autocomplete should be enabled and which table/column should be usedArray of length 0, 1 or 2

e.g. in Modem, field street:

[]: autocomplete street with values from Modem.street

['Contract']: autocomplete street with values from Contract.street

['Contract', 'zip']: autocomplete street with values from Contract.zip

jquery (java script) realtime based showing/hiding of fields

Use a string statement to add a field to a (or multiple) class(s) for showing and hiding them later. The element on which the selection depends / is based must be filled as array, where the key is the value of the selected element and the array value is the class to show. All other classes will be hidden.


  • string: assign element to a or multiple class(es)
  • array: 1 => 'class 1 to show', 2 => 'class 2 to show', ..
See ItemController from Nino Ryschawy


JQuery based realtime showing/hiding of fields based on checked/unchecked checkboxes.

Changes visibility onLoad and onChange of the correlating checkbox.


  • 'checkbox' => 'show_on_<checkbox_id>'  ⇒  field will be shown if checkbox with <checkbox_id> is checked
  • 'checkbox' => 'hide_on_<checkbox_id>'  ⇒  field will be hidden if checkbox with <checkbox_id> is checked
See PhonenumberManagementController (Patrick Reichel)

internally used to parse the model data (from sql) to the form fields array. e.g. firstname field could parse Günter in field_value

this will not document native HTML options, which will be parsed directly to FormBuilder API, which could also mean directly to HTML