Behavior Variables

Behavior Variables

Model Variables

index_delete_disabledif set to true the index delete checkbox for this model is disabled
force_deleteuse forced deletes – Patrick Reichel
index_databales_ajax_enableduse ajax for fast loading – Christian Schramm

Controller Variables

Allow Stuff

index_create_allowedIs create allowed in index page 
index_delete_allowedIs delete allowed in index pageredundant to Model variable index_delete_allowed

Button Names

save_buttonName of the Save Button
force_restart_buttonName of the restart Button
relation_create_buttonName of the Create Button
edit_view_save_buttonShow Save Button ?
edit_view_force_restart_buttonShow Force Restart Button ?

Look and Feel

edit_left_md_sizeeditbootstrap MD size of left frame8 
edit_right_md_sizeeditbootstrap MD size of right framenull, which means 12-8 = 4 
index_left_md_sizeindexbootstrap MD size12