How to use AJAX
How to use AJAX
This How to describes how to implement AJAX into Laravel on the example of datatables
Step-by-step guide
- Postman ( https://www.getpostman.com )
- Route with disabled auth middleware (for development only!!)
- Controller Method which returns JSON
1. Setup Route
First create a Route in Routes or BaseRoute
This is the generic Route for the Datatables plugin,to generate a route for every Index-controller.
We handle all requests in the BaseController and get the data from Model
Security: Please take care: if no middleware is specified, this means that there is no security checking. Normally 'auth:view' should be used!
2. Setup Controller Method
In your desired Controller Method, make sure to return Response::json instead ov view::
3. Setup Postman Postman
Go into Builder Tab and Select your HTTP Request Type, your Route to your controller method and a Content-type Key with Value application/json (your Window should look similar to the picture below)
This is just a short Description. A real world example will be added