NMS Prime setup

The NMS Prime setup is done in: https://github.com/schmto/nmsprime/blob/dev/Install/after_install.sh

This stuff is deprecated – we just keep it here for backwards compatibility. It is automatically done during install.
# install composer (dependency manager)
# NOTE: depraceated .. could / will be installed via yum
#curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
#mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

# clone project 
git clone https://github.com/schmto/nmsprime.git /var/www/nmsprime

cd /var/www/nmsprime

# create/edit the .env file (you can take the example file as starting point)
cp .env.example .env
chmod 640 .env
chgrp apache .env
vim .env

# install packages (this will need .env file with properly configured DB_* fields)
composer install

# access rights
chown -R apache storage/ bootstrap/cache/

# create application key
php artisan key:generate

# enable/disable modules for your needs
php artisan module:list
php artisan module:[enable|disable] <MODULE>
php artisan module:publish

# create the database tables (using migrations)
php artisan migrate
php artisan module:migrate

# cronjob
#cp /var/www/nmsprime/Install/files/cron-nmsprime /etc/cron.d/

Note: all hosts that run with local settings are defined in /bootstrap/start.php

edit app/config/database.php or app/config/local/database.php with the msql connection properties

use /.env.php (on production server) for global and /.env.local.php to describe local settings – edit files to your needs

Clone from Roetzer Engineering Repo

# Historical Stuff: Clone from Roetzer Engineering Repo
# Note: 1. Server must have access to atlassian repo server # 2. change username
git config --global http.sslVerify false
git clone https://<user>@devel.roetzer-engineering.com:3128/stash/scm/pro/laravel.git /var/www/lara