If you want to login via SSH please unzip the nmsprime.zip which you got through email after creating your NMS Prime cloud instance.
1.1. Linux Users
Open a terminal in the folder where you extracted the zip and run the following commands: SSH login
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ssh -i your-key-file centos@your-nmsprime-vm-address |
Make sure to input the name of your-key-file (which has the format like key-for-nmsprime_YYYmmddHHiiss) and also insert your-nmsprime-vm-address (which has the format like abcdefgh.vm.nmsprime.com).
1.2. Windows Users
A good way to use SSH on windows is to download "Putty".
After starting putty input the address for your NMS Prime cloud instance in the addressfield and also input a connection name.
For connecting to your NMS Prime cloud instance click on "Open".
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SSH root userTo get the SSH root user you need to buy an SLA. Feel login as your normal user and then use the following command:
Feel free to contact us: support@nmsprime.com Also for more support you can buy an SLA. |