Overview over the base package of nms prime, which is required by all other packages.

NMS PRIME Orchestration Layer (=umbrella NMS) is the management layer for many popular, well-known, highly-tested, and worldwide used open source solutions. It is the basic package of NMS Prime and is deployed at every installation. This orchestration layer can run either as

  • on-premises / behind-your-firewall, or as

  • Software-a-Service (SaaS) cloud-based solution

The orchestration layer provides the basic infrastructure for running the  ISP Application Marketplace. This Marketplace could be used to run either open source and/or proprietary applications. These applications could be native from NMS PRIME team or from any third-party vendor. Explore our Marketplace here:

  1. Community Applications

  2. Enterprise Applications

  3. External Applications

Package name: nmsprime-base

Forum: General

1.1. Content




Start here..



Basic Package for installing NMS PRIME



Out-of-the-box Installation via

all dependencies are automatically installed!


SaaS cloud capable

Cloud Free Trial


On-prem capable 

NMS Prime Installation


Basic GUI and a nice look-and-feel across all Applications


100% open source


Generic API to all its Applications


For Coders


Basic coding framework Laravel



Module, View, Controller design principle

Base MVC


Authentification Framework

Authentication and Authorization


Generic GUI

GUI - Bootstrap


generic database connector with migration scripts



Installation Framework which automates all dependency stuff to enable the full power of open-source

Install Framework


Microservice Framework to run all major services in containers

Microservice Framework

1.2. Architecture