Prime Monitoring, also called ProvMon, is the core package for the entire monitoring module in nmsprime. This module is used for cable access monitoring.

Prime Monitoring is the core package for the entire monitoring module in NMS Prime. This module is used for cable access monitoring.

It provides real-time monitoring data and a short technical analysis about network events.

Pro hint: It is best used in combination with Prime Detect to manage impairments asap or even before they occur.

Package name: nmsprime-provmon


Forum: Monitoring General


FeatureStateDetailsStart here..
Monitor Hardware via SNMP and TR069(//)
  • Modem, MTA, CPE
  • Amplifiers, nodes
  • Highly efficient SNMP poller

(//)all SNMP compliant devices
(//)all TR-69 compliant devices

Analysis of cable modem parameters


Real-time analysis and monitoring

CMTS Analysis and Monitoring

Package loss


Micro reflections (adaptable)


System Description (Modem name, firmware, etc.)


Uptime and downtime


All Upstream and Downstream channels with frequency, modulation, power, MER, bandwidth


Ping and flood ping tests


DHCP log- and lease-fileĀ  (ISC-DHCP style/compliant)


Configfile analysis


Modem event log


Proximity Search: display and compare the cable modems of the close neighborhood (e.g. <100m radius)


MTA and CPE analysis


Full Band Capture displays Spectrum on supported Modems


NMS Prime requirements

Recent Updates

DateShort description

Additional Info

Example: Modem Analysis