Upcoming Developments

Upcoming Developments

FeatureStateAppDetailsVersionEstimated date of release
Zero-touch provisioning(uu)

ensuring a seamless installation process for the customer

  • BOOTP protocol for booting default configs
communitylate 2021




Full automated closed-loop management & payment of small Wi-Fi-community networks

  1. easy & slimmed-down billing for community networks
  2. payment framework (includes major gateways for Africa, M-PESA, ...)
  3. basic landing page for booking tariffs prior to getting online
communitylate 2021

NMS Prime Orchestration Layer

communitylate 2021
Open Core Microservices Framework(uu)NMS Prime Orchestration LayerTransform the relevant packages in a Microservice Framework environmentcommunitylate 2021
mobile access(uu)OS Mobile Provisioning

1G to 5G provisioning / basic protocols

–> architecture proposals required


Prime Customer Management(uu)

Prime Customer Management

Advanced view for customer call agents with all relevant information at one glance.enterpriselate 2021
Call prediction(uu)

Prime Customer Management

Extends the Customer Management by an AI which already predicts customer problemsenterpriselate 2021

Prime Customer Control

This feature will extend your customer control center and allow your clients to directly order products.enterprise

Apart from this general developments, there are always a lot of other improvements going on, as well as customer specifics projects.

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