Test Workflow / Testflow
Test Workflow / Testflow
Tests before Merging new Pull Requests / Demosystem Test
The following most important things should always be tested in GUI/Browser before changes will be merged (as they are currently not tested via unit testing). After the changes are merged it's recommended to check them with live data on a demosystem (if available).
Provisioning -> Contract -> Modem/CPE/MTA Analysis page
Networks -> Topography & Entity Diagramm
HFC -> NetElement -> Controlling View (e.g. CMTS)
Billing -> SettlementRun -> Create (or via Cmdline: php artisan billing:accounting)
After Upgrade Tests
# check daily conversions php artisan nms:contract daily php artisan provvoip:phonenumber # check active states in DB mysql -u root -p <psw> db_lara # show all contracts that have network_access=0 or contract-/modem-network-access/phonenumber-active differs [db_lara]> select c.id, c.firstname, c.lastname, c.network_access as Cnw_access, m.network_access as Mnw_access, p.username, p.active from contract c, modem m, mta mta, phonenumber p where c.id=m.contract_id and p.mta_id=mta.id and mta.modem_id=m.id and c.deleted_at is null and m.deleted_at is null and mta.deleted_at is null and p.deleted_at is null and (c.network_access!=m.network_access or c.network_access!=p.active or m.network_access!=p.active or c.network_access=0); # check if all configfiles have Datarate assigned - both outputs should be the same # ls -l /tftpboot/cm/ | awk 'END {print NR/2}' ls -l /tftpboot/cm/*.cfg | wc -l # Nr Configfiles grep MaxRateSustained /tftpboot/cm/*.conf | wc -l | awk '{print $1/2}' # Nr Configfiles with Datarate assigned