Base MVC

Base MVC

What is Base MVC

Base MVC is our own core framework which extends the laravel framwork to our special needs. All stuff you see will go through it, like:

Example page using the base mvc frameworkExample edit-page using our base mvc framework

Why do we need Base MVC?

  1. Define our own default behavior for MVCs
  2. Define our own HTML pages and style
  3. Define our own cool, fancy and responsive look and feel – use bootstrap: color admin topic
  4. Provide a interface to often required stuff and make life easier: For Example
    Create functions to solve the following common obstacles:
    1. Index Page: Which values do we want to displayed in index view?
    2. Edit Page: Which fields should be editable in edit view?
    3. Edit Page: Show other connected relational tables
  5. For Fast and easy development (with no/less knowledge of what happens inside Base MVC and L5)
  6. To provide a kind of abstraction layer, for easy changing the default behavior in the entire project

Supported Views:

  1. Index
  2. Edit
  3. Create

See: ressources/views/Generic

Supported Methods:

  1. create
  2. store
  3. update
  4. destroy

See: app/Http/Controllers/BaseController.php

Supported Routes:

  1. index
  2. store
  3. create
  4. update
  5. destroy
  6. dump

Most of the MVCs are connected with the BaseRoute Class, like

BaseRoute::resource('Modem', 'Modules\ProvBase\Http\Controllers\ModemController');

To get a full view of how things are routed by default, check: app/extensions/core/BaseRoute.php