Instructions for setting up a CMTS and adding a provisioning server to it, including instructions for the cmts routing. |
Go to Provisioining –> CMTS
See the "Assigned Config" –> "Setup"
Follow Setup Instructions for a first default config
Step 2. is only required for Hosting your own Server. For Cloud Installation this will be done by the CMTS-Tunnel. |
Follow the instruction on CMTS "Routing / IPs" and add these lines in your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-... file
systemctl restart network |
NOTE: if red lines / errors appear: this means that there is a route in your route file missing or miss configured. You should (MUST) fix this!
Check if the CMTS has the required Bundle IPs like proposed by this section. No red lines means everything is okay and reachable:
crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 1024 |
NMS PRIME default shared secret is "DOCSIS". Changing this is recommand for production systems, since it is a security threat using default here. To change this do:
change the key in /tftpboot/keyfile. The key in the file will be used, to encrypt all DOCSIS configfiles.
change shared secret statement inside the CMTS
interface cable <...> cable shared-secret 7 <the secret> |
See for further Informations on Cisco CMTS's: